Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Busy Busy

 Well Worn has been busy, busy lately.  I promised myself that once I started a blog, I would not post the "sorry I haven't written for so long" post.  So this is not that post.

Our new booth needed a wall, so yes, Mr. Well Worn built a new wall on the hottest day of the year. 
The new wall

The weather was hot which is a lot more than I can say for this wall.  I decided to add dictionary pages on  the second hottest day of the year.

Our first booth has dictionary page flowers and dictionary wreaths as well as swags.  I wanted to incorporate the same idea with a little different twist.  So we have the dictionary page wall.  Once we did it, I decided to look on line to see if anyone else had done a similar wall.  What I discovered was something akin to "who hasn't done something similar?"  Even Miss Mustard Seed did a book page wall at a wedding and blogged about it.  I read her blog almost daily, so I don't know how I missed that post.  It's funny how you can think you've an original idea, and you come to find that it's not original at all.  Has that ever happened to you?
The full monty, I mean wall.
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Dictionary flower in wall pocket

I think that the "dictionary flower" is an original idea.  I hope so, I really don't want to cruise the internet and find out that I am once again, not original. 

Don't even get me started on this, I'm afraid to look and see how many people have already thought of this!  I don't want to look and find other ruler hearts that are bigger and better than our humble little heart at Well Worn.
Squeeze some fun into your day or squeeze someone today,



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